Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Must-Have Productivity Applications for Your Android

The usage of smartphones in the workplace has increased significantly. Our smartphones can have a professional use and is that, sometimes, they are faster and more practical than laptops or desktop computers, depending on the function we want to perform.

Therefore, productivity applications for Android are becoming so popular. In this article, the IT specialists, Martin Walter Helwich is going to share with you the most useful and must-have apps for Android.


Trello is an application with which we can organize our workflow through cards. It is an app that can be used to manage ideas, tasks and everything you can think of.

Thanks to it, you can control the ideas you have in mind, those that are in progress, completed, or how you want to organize everything. It is completely free, although it has a paid subscription that unlocks certain functions.


Meister Task works practically like Trello, although at a visual level it is more advanced. The concept is the same, management by cards of your personal or professional projects.

Walter Martin Helwich shares that he is more comfortable managing certain projects with Meister Tasks, since the visual level is spectacular, and this always helps motivation, creativity, and brainstorming.


We all know the importance and the trends of social networks today, and the best trick to gain followers and generate engagement: create content.

On many occasions, because of personal or professional obligations, we are not able to post content whenever we want. Here Buffer can help. With this application, you can automate the publications for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google +, at various times of the day. Buffer will recommend certain hours in which the traffic of users is concentrated, to improve the reach of your publications.

In Helwich’s case, his personal Twitter account is managed 80% by Buffer, and only 20% of the content are his own publications, which he publishes in the short free time he has. It is a tool that helps you to grow, to increase your social network, and also is an incredible time saver.


In Helwich opinion, IFTTT is the most powerful, useful and spectacular application that exists today. Many do not know that this app exists; others do not use it because they think it is complicated, but far from it. What is IFTTT? It is a task automation tool, which can take your phone to the next level.

The IT expert has described on his blog on Scalar, how a day in your life would be like if you had the IFTTT properly configured.

  • The alarm clock on your phone wakes you up. The phone goes automatically from silent to sound mode.
  • When you go out from home, the WiFi is automatically deactivated and the data is activated. When you get into your car, your favorite Spotify list activates.
  • You get to work, the phone automatically goes into sleep mode.
  • When you get home the WiFi is activated again, the phone goes into sound mode, the most important news of the day has been sent to your Telegram account, and some of them have been shared on your Twitter.
  • At nightfall, the smart bulbs of your house turn on automatically.
  • You go to bed, when you connect the mobile to the charger it goes into silent mode and the WiFi goes off until the next day.
IFTTT allows you to automate all the tasks that, although we do it quickly and daily, we can automate them. It is based on the concept “if this then do that”.

An incredible potential for a totally free app, with a spectacular design, and that allows us to automate a number of tasks.

Google Keep (Notes)

Although there are a thousand and one-note applications and lists on Google Play, in Helwitch opinion, none is as simple and balanced as Google Keep. It is one of the best productivity applications because of its extremely simple design and way of operating.

It integrates quite well with Google Documents and Calendar, in addition to that we can put widgets on the home screen of our cell phone, so we do not forget at any time what we have to do.

Google Tasks

The Google task application was completely renewed and has become another of Helwich’s favorite productivity applications for Android. It is extremely easy to use, but still integrates useful tools such as multi-account support, the ability to add detailed descriptions to tasks, notifications with reminders and much more.


Another recommended app by Walter Martin Helwich is to improve productivity when working, studying or doing any type of task is 5217. This simple utility tool, created by the famous developer F. Franco, is based on a research study that says that small breaks of 17 minutes made after a work period of 52 minutes, can help to improve productivity.

What this free app does is exactly that: allows us to start a timer during the work period, and once the 52 minutes have passed, we will be notified to take a break of 17 minutes. A curious detail is the possibility of synchronizing the work periods with Google Play Games, so that it will be possible to keep track of the work and rest cycles carried out each day.